
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Day of Atonement

So I decided to write an apology for not being here in the last 2-3 months or so, and when I finished writing, I realized it's exactly the right time for apologizing, since it's the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. So after a long long absence, I'm back. It's not like I don't have an excuse for not writing. I do have. Lots of excuses. First – summer vacation. Well, I could stop here, I guess, but I'll continue anyway. So right when the vacation ended, when I could almost smell MY freedom, right then my mother fell. Nothing serious, just stumbled when walking, but my mom is very special, so she managed to break 2 bones in her ankle, then she had to stay at the hospital for one week, undergo a surgery and had a cast put on, that will stay for at least a month and a half. So we spent a week at the hospital, waiting for the surgery, and then a few more days at home, till she felt she can manage on her own. And after that we went for a family trip in Sweden. I know it sounds like a complaint, but it's not. Really. We had lots of fun, but it was another week in which I had to put my previous life on hold. But really, no complaints about Sweden. And I promise a Scandinavian post sometime. Then we came back home directly for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year), and my girl was sick for like 24 hours (the boy got it also 2 days later)…

And so just before Yom Kippur, I managed to find a few quiet moments. The kids are asleep, the house is clean, the dishes are in the dishwasher and the clean laundry is folded (well, truth is, it's not…But I'm waiting with it for tomorrow…).

I'm gonna try to bribe you to stay with me, even though I disappeared for such a long time, so here's a sneak peek for a few things I'll share with you shortly:

Upcycled onesies

upcycled onsies

Home Made Bubbles Tutorial

Home Made Bubbles Tutorial

Erase Board Tutorial

Erase Board Tutorial

Cardboard Cabinet

Cardboard Cabinet

The top part of this cabinet becomes a play kitchen for the kids (This is the Before picture, the after will be ready soon)

soon to be play kitchen

A Tutu Skirt

tutu skirt

OK, that's enough, right? I promise a real post soon!

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