Thank you so much for stopping by this week’s special Blog Strut...
Halloween Edition
There will be no Blog Strut next week since we will be celebrating, so enjoy our Halloween edition this week!
Even during our special parties we are always rule-free!
There are a set of guidelines below but they are just that, guidelines!
We want you to post what you want, share what you want, and not have to do anything in return but share the bloggy love!
The host (My Personal Accent) will pin all of the entries.
That’s right, all of the entries. We feel that everyone deserves the traffic and exposure.
That is why you are linking up, right?
We found pinning to be more effective than commenting on entries.
By pinning your posts you will be guaranteed more exposure through all of our followers and their followers on Pinterest!
NEW this week we have added Instagram and Google+ Social Link ups!
Every week we pick our favorite post
The top clicked post
and the random wildcard choice
and Feature them!
From last week’s Strut we have:
Angela’s Pick No Bake Cheesecakes by Live a Sweet Life  |
Sande’s Pick Halloween Cuties in a Jar by Hoopla Palooza  |
Amber’s Pick Crisped Rice Cereal Jack-o-lantern by This Mommy Cooks Dinner  |
Top Clicked chosen by you Cleaning Burnt Pans by Mums Make Lists  |
Wildcard Pick Fall Leaves Silverware Pocket by Make it Easy Crafts  |
Don’t forget to pick up your free Featured button!
We really are
rule-free but we ask you that you take a look at and consider these guidelines.

Please post only family friendly content

Please post a link to any of your favorite or most recent posts

You can post as many as you’d like.

If you would like to link to your giveaway or contest please use our
giveaway/contest page link up instead

After you link your posts, don’t forget to scroll down and add your Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and Blog Lovin’ profiles!

Be kind and follow your hosts and co-hosts!

Share the bloggy love! Check out the links before and after you and follow some of them at the social linky below!
Share this Blog Strut so we can all get more bloggy love!
Want to share the Blog Strut on your page? Pick up our snazzy little button by copying the code below!
To celebrate Sverve's anniversary they are
giving away $50 to two lucky people who sign up! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Sign up now to enter into the drawing and to make money, gain influence, find sponsors and more! Plus it is completely
free! #SverveTurns1
Looking for Co-Hosts
Are you interested in becoming a co-host for our weekly Blog Struts?
As a co-host you receive the following benefits:
Free exposure the hundreds of visitors that visit My Personal Accent each day
Free exposure to the hundreds of bloggers that come to link up
Increased traffic to your blog
A free button redesign (if you are interested)
Free support from Amber (the webmistress) before and during the Linky Party
With little to no work, you can get all of these items to help out your blog for free!
If you are interested please fill out our form here:
Linky Party Directory
Do you have your own linky party/blog hop each week?
We have been going through and adding some but we know we are still missing a ton!
So check and make sure yours isn’t already listed before you add it!
Also, if you are hosting a giveaway, don’t forget to add it to our
Giveaway Page!
Blog Lovin’