Wednesday, July 17, 2013

DIY Yarn Lampshade

DIY Yarn Lampshade

Once upon a time, many many years ago, when I didn't even know The Man yet, he traveled to Africa and came back with all sorts of wooden furniture and houseware. They all came to our house as some kind of dowry and found a warm spot in my heart as well. One of my favorites is a tall, wooden carved lamp, but it never had a lampshade. It has been waiting for years for a lampshade to redeem it from the dazzling light, but we haven't done a thing for years. Until two months ago.

After searching all over the WWW, we decided that what works best is some kind of yarn lampshade, something that will have an unfinished look, and we decided to make one. Meaning - I'll make one.

I used a lampshade frame that I already had in my craft room and we went together to buy yarn (you know those men that know nothing about design and give their wives a free hand to design the house any way they want? Well, mine isn't one of those... He chooses and designs everything with me. Luckily we have pretty much the same taste...). So we chose a colorful yarn, with tiny yarn balls, in hot, earthy colors, something that we felt was related to Africa.

In the beginning I cut pieces of yarn and tied them, leaving a small "tail", but after finishing two sides of the frame (which took something like 2 hours...), we decided we didn't like it that way, and I started over again.

Now it was way faster - I just wrapped the yarn around the lampshade frame. We thought that this was exactly what we wanted.

DIY Yarn Lampshade

DIY Yarn Lampshade

DIY Yarn Lampshade

But, of course, nothing can be perfect in out small kingdom, and when we took a step back…

We found out it looks a bit weird. The lamp itself is really high (around 160 cm / 63") and the lampshade is small and cute. Together they look like this tiny head on a huge body... So the lampshade is off again, waiting for a new house, and the lamp is again naked, until the next experiment.


  1. Excellent idea and great post! Love the lap shade. I also look forward to reading more of your blog!

  2. That's really neat and I love the yarn that you used! =)


  3. Larger lamp shade frame? Very interesting idea though :)

    1. Definitely! It's on my list now. I'd probably get to it in the next 2-3 years... :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Even though it wasn't what you thought it was going to be I still think it was a neat idea. I think it gives it a different texture too. I think the uniqueness defiantly makes it you own. Hopefully you'll come up with another idea soon.

    1. Thanks Allie! I still have some yarn left, I'd probably make something similar, only bigger. Hopefully I'll get to it soon :)

  5. Love the idea! So many possibilities!

  6. Hi, I love crafts and work with yarn on the "cheating" knitters. Love the yarn you chose to use and the colors. I'm sure your lamp will find a shade to cover its body one day! That's how it always works out!

    1. I know :), meanwhile it just waits :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. That is awesome Tal! I love seeing your projects :)

  8. A great use for extra yarn (for us knitters that collect WAY too much!) Keep your eyes open for a larger lampshade and do it again. It's a great idea!

    1. Thanks so much :) I hope I'll find a bigger lampshade soon...

  9. Very interesting article, Which you have shared here about the Yarn Lampshade. After reading your article I am impressed by the details that you have shared in this post. Thank you for sharing this article here. Lightswitchmiami is the best online store where you can buy white rectangular lamp shades at an affordable price.

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